Appellation: AOC Medoc – Cru Bourgeois
Grapes Varieties: 60% Merlot, 35% Cabernet Sauvignon, 5% Petit Verdot
Chateau Gravat is one of the wineries in the Medoc region of Bordeaux, France. It is listed in the Cru Bourgeois list released in 2012. The current owners of Gravat Winery are Claude and Marie-Jo Ganelon.
Gravat Winery’s vineyard currently has a total of 14 hectares, of which 50% is used for cultivating Merlot, 45% is used for cultivating Cabernet Sauvignon, and 5% is used for cultivation Petit Verdot. After the grapes harvested by the machine are screened, they are fermented in a low-temperature fermentation tank with temperature control function. One-third of the fermented wine will be aged in French oak barrels for 12 months before being bottled in the winery.
Tasting: Dark ruby colour, red and black fruit notes (blackcurrant), all quite suave with very present tannins on the finish.